When you are working from home, it is so easy to get distracted and as such efficiency can seem an unachievable target. There are a few little tasks you can do to help yourself with this:
‘I love a list’
People are often either list people or not. I am not. That having been said, at the start of the day, I find it focusses the mind to write down a list of the tasks you need to do, and maybe one or two you would like to if all goes to plan. And then keep referring to the list. Other than the trip to the supermarket, it’s pretty much the only list I will write!
Schedule breaks
Even if it is just to get up and top up your tea (see our last blog for advice on hot drinks!) having a scheduled break is really important for your focus. It gives your conscious brain a chance to relax and let your subconscious do some really good work!
Exercise is food for the mind
We all know this, we all struggle to achieve it. Make time in your schedule to move. Set an alarm for every hour and just get up and get your heart rate up a little bit. Run laps of the desk, 20 quick star jumps, whatever it is, just a little bit of movement helps the body and mind.
Find your place
Not many of us have a place properly set up as a home office so are having to make do. But we can do better than make do. Try lots of different places to find where works for you. Do you get distracted by what is going on outside the window? Do you enjoy the birdsong? And don’t tie yourself to one place. If you find it a struggle, try somewhere else in the house.
Don’t be hard on yourself
This is all new for many of us, so remember, as long as you are trying your best, that is all you can do. Some days you will feel invincible, others everything will be a struggle. Make the most of the good times, and don’t beat yourself up when it isn’t clicking.