Tag: veterinary jobs

The search for your ‘perfect’ practice

The search for your ‘perfect’ practice

Robyn Lowe RVN works in first opinion small animal practice as a veterinary nurse but has many other area of interest with our profession! She writes regular articles for various publications and is a keen promoter of evidence based medicine. She is also a passionate supporter of our professions mental well-being and is the first […]

Dr Louisa Graham – Clinical Director, Mentor and Mother!

Dr Louisa Graham – Clinical Director, Mentor and Mother!

Dr Louisa Graham BVM BVS BVMedSci PGcertVPS CertAVP(SAM) MRCVS, is also known as ‘Louisa The Vet’ on Instagram, where she shares her cases and patients in informative and educational posts aimed at her fellow professionals. She is a Clinic Director of a busy small animal practice, where she leads a motivated and happy team. In […]

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